
Gay Marriage


The tradition argument just basically doesn't hold water. Women's and black rights are only 50 years old or so. There's no tradition there. Now everyone believes in it. Not many people have problems with it. You cannot use tradition as a reason for being against gay marriage.


If you believe in one nation under God, then read my previous post about America's forefathers. All of that stuff was printed on our dollars and put into our government in the 1950s. America is not a Christian nation. Refer to the Treaty of Tripoli quote in my previous post. America is not a theocracy. It's a democratic-republic. The things in the Bible about homosexuality are there and you can say what you want about them but why do people say THAT'S God's Word when they say the "sell your daughter into slavery" thing is "just the Old Testament. We're in the New Testament now!" People say that they don't pick an choose in the Bible, they just go by the New Testament but if that's true why do you give a fuck about the Ten Commandments so much? It's OK to think they're good morals and everything but if you think that the Old Testament is basically thrown out and we're in the New Covenant now then how are the Ten Commandments relevant? They're Old Testament rules, right?!

There are a few things in the New Testament that speak out against homosexuality but the bottom line is this: If you're a parent, don't you want your kids to think for themselves and to just grow into who they are? If we are God's children, then why do you think He wouldn't be the same way? If that doesn't work, then I'll say this: Why does God predispose some people to the Devil more than others? Just because God made Adam and Eve (not Adam and Steve) does not mean that God wouldn't eventually make some people gay.

The Sanctity of Marriage

"We got married because we were going to have a kid," is what a lot of straight married couples say. For me personally, the sanctity is in the love. If two people make that choice to be together forever, then that's great. Gay or straight, I don't care. You can say that the "purest" weddings or whatever were in the biblical times but men usually had several wives at that time. Is that what you would consider pure? That's not a modern view. Also, the men chose the women, not vice-versa.


Well, the main issue is religion, I suppose but I'll address this too. There are a lot of animals that show gay tendencies and activity. Dolphins, chimpanzees, elephants. Since this isn't the religion section, we'll just ACCEPT evolution and that humans are part of the ape family. It's OK! We can be animals AND human! The nature and nurture topic is debatable but I think it's usually mostly nature with a little bit of nurture but then again it depends on the person. There can be a lot of reasons for homosexuality. One of the striking things found is that usually gay men are the youngest of his siblings. Inside the womb, the mother washes the fetus with estrogen to try to fight this foreign body and by the time the woman has had experience and enough kids, the youngest one has a higher chance of being gay because of that gained experience, the woman's body getting more used to fighting the foreign entity. This is just one example that it could just boil down to nature (i.e. SCIENCE) in most cases. Well, hell, psychology is a science too so I guess nurture can be thrown in there.


If someone thinks about something for a long time and has years and years of personal discovery and comes to the peaceful conclusion that he or she is gay, then I'd say that's real. You can say that some people's "personal discoveries" lead them to being psycho killers but being gay and being a psycho killer are two very different things. For me, just the fact that people have to wrestle with it for a long time but then finally just feel it more honest and just feel that that's really who they are,...that's enough for me.

Civil Rights

Marriage is important as far as civil rights are concerned. Even Palin says she believes in this. If the person you love is in the hospital and you can't see him/her because he/she is not legally your spouse...then I think that's a fucked up situation.

Why do you care, Andrew? You're not gay.

Why do you care about ending slavery? You're not black? Why do you care if women can vote or not? You're not a woman. Do you see what I mean? I care about people and their rights and their fucking right to live their lives normally...with equal rights and without prejudice.

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