
My Responses to Matt, E-Mail Think Tank Series

So I asked my friend, Matt, some questions about the universe again and this was his answer(s)...

Hey, go ahead! I have no problem with this being made public. Now,

I have a few questions...

1. How can you know that the One exists?

Matt: A mixture of logic and introspection. It's difficult to communicateverbally. 'It exists because it has to'. A tautology, yes, but it captures the essence.

2. Also, I have problems believing in a soul even with your explanations.

Matt: See above.

3. You're pretty much talking about reincarnation as well.

Matt: Not pretty much, I am.

4. I really don't remember any of my past lives. Do you?

Matt: Nope.

5. I have always been extremely suspicious of that kind of stuff.

Matt: Ditto.

6. Either this is my first time or...I dunno.

Matt: Highly doubtful. Look, the trajectory of every soul is from the One, through the world, and back to the One, each along it's own independent course but meeting at origin and destination. But now what happens after it goes back into the One? Well, everything fuses there (by definition) and then radiates out again. You could well look at it as though every soul not only follows a unique trajectory through one cycle of the universe, but a unique cycle through every universe. If the universe has had (and will have) an infinite number of cycles, that means that every soul lives every possible life. Which brings us back to the One.

(The picture I've just painted is a very linear one. It's important to note that we are in fact talking about a highly nonlinear process here, so that while from our perspective it appears as a great chain of being, in fact from other perspectives it's more like a tree or a network; higher entities might, for example, be able to incarnate simultaneously in multiple realities.)

People don't generally remember past lives for the simple reason that there are too many to remember. The human brain can only resonate with so much infornation.

7. So the purpose would then be to reincarnate enough times until you get it right? Why do you have to reincarnate? Why can't you get closer to the One in the non-physical realm?

Matt: You can. At each stage, the soul chooses to reincarnate. It does so because it wants to; what it wants to do (insofar as 'want' is a state that can be accurately ascribed to a soul) is to reach union with the One; but doing that requires not just 'wishing' it, but actually becoming it. Just like if you want to become something (say, a doctor), you can't just wish it to happen, but have to actually apply yourself and learn. Now, souls undoubtedly CAN move towards union without incarnating; in fact, at the higher levels discarnate pathways are likely the only ones remaining. It just so happens that the physical route at this level of reality is the one that has been chosen by our souls.

Hope this clarified a few things, or at least stimulated some thought.



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