There is some evidence that shows that during the period that is not really recorded in the standard canon, Jesus went to India. Actually, I can't remember the exact place but it's a place where Buddhism was being practiced. There are actually temples where these Buddhists have scriptures of a Middle Eastern man staying with them for several years in order to learn their ways. I believe "Iesu" is how you say Jesus in Hebrew, which is one language Jesus could speak other than Aramaic. In Aramaic, I think it's "Yehashua." Anyway, at these temples, they speak of a man named "Iasu." Actually, in those languages back then in that time period, vowels were there ya go.
"An Eye for an Eye, A Tooth for a Tooth" was the Old Testament way of thinking. One of Jesus' teachings was something that went directly against that, "turn the other cheek." This kind of thinking was and is a Buddhist teaching. Also, if you look at Gnosis, which is something that is talked about in detail in the Gospel of Thomas and other books not found in the standard canon, it is very revealing. Gnosis is a very Eastern-ish religious practice ...much more so than anything that was being practiced in the area where Jesus was at that time.
To be honest with you, when I think of the "Mystery Plays" of Egypt and how they might be more connected than most people suspect, I feel like the Jesus story could be something like that. Some people believe that the Mystery Plays of Egypt were basically plays to help grow your mind. Almost like a thought experiment that many physicists and philosophers do. It's an interesting way to think about it.
If any of my facts (not beliefs because I really didn't post about those this time) were wrong, please comment and let me know.
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