The Euthyphro dilemma is found in Plato's dialogue Euthyphro, in which Socrates asks Euthyphro:
"Is the pious (τὸ ὅσιον) loved by the gods because it is pious, or is it pious because it is loved by the gods?" (10a)
In monotheistic terms, this is usually transformed into:
"Is what is moral commanded by God because it is moral, or is it moral because it is commanded by God?"
The dilemma has continued to present a problem for theists since Plato presented it and it is still an object of theological and philosophical debate.
My Thoughts:
1.) Some people might think that this is not a problem because whatever is "hereditary" in the universe is that way because God said so...and so God can still be considered the answer here...however..This is still not a complete or acceptable answer.
2.) No one usually thinks this far so who gives a fuck anyway, right?
3.) This is the part that I heard mostly when I was a kid and maybe as I get older the kinds of people that say the following are leaving my friend group but (and this is something that I've always hated and not understood) some people will say that you're wrong or just not trustworthy when you've done research like this because God is so apparent to them. It's so easy and natural. Something MUST be wrong we a person that has to do all this book learnin' (objective research). These kinds of people only trust people with instincts that lead them to their spiritual conclusion because that's how they did it. So the thing that is so frustrating here is that they can't fucking listen. The more you research and the more knowledgeable you become the less of a reliable resource you are to these people. It makes you go insane sometimes.
4.) The counter-argument to this (and this is similar to the previous one) is that God cannot go against his nature and so this throws a wrench into the works but still...this is only hearsay really. How the fuck do you justify that claim?
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