When I hear people say, "We are unable to understand God" or "who can know the mind of God?" or "If we can understand it, then it's not God," all kinds of things come to mind.
1. It feels like you gave up too early and that you didn't even get far enough to the things that we DO understand about this thing called God.
2. It's a cop-out.
3. Just because there's eomething we don't understand at this present doesn't mean that we won't eventually.
4. Even if there are some things that humans CAN'T understand, that doesn't mean that God exists. One does not preclude the other, in my eyes.
5. Let's really try to figure out what we CAN understand before we jump to this (ultimate) conclusion that we really can't understand it.
6. If we can't understand something, the next thing I think of is ...guess what...why? If we can't, then at least explain why not.
"Because God is too big for our understanding."
Then I say, "In what way is he, she, it, this thing too big?"
Basically, one of the overarching feelings I feel when I hear this kind of thing is, "you didn't go far enough."
It's almost like giving up this search EQUALS believing in God when it really shouldn't and doesn't have to. This is the part where faith comes in and that's a whole other story. If you know this blog, you know my feelings on that.
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