

Humans: Virus

Earth: Host

Viruses kill their host and with the host, they die too. There have been tribes on islands that died from losing their natural resources. Cutting too many trees, etc. They didn't know to stop and let them grow again. This kind of thing has actually happened. They just didn't know to when to stop.



If you feel that God has revealed himself to you, that's not really faith anymore, is it? If you've actually seen him? If you feel God, is that faith anymore? If God reveals himself to certain people, then He's playing favorites. 

"Well you just have to have faith first and then He'll reveal himself to you."

Then why is there this test anyway? God will just test your faith for a little while...depending on the time the length of time of the test will change? 



I can do some voices. I recorded them on my iPod and these links only work for ten days.

Universe Professor Voice:

Country Boy Voice:


Just Because

Just because it hard to scientifically prove a lot of things out there especially things concerning the beginning of the universe (if there ever was such a thing), it does not necessarily point to God.

And even if it did point to a creator or an intelligent designer, that does not necessarily point to Christianity.

I hate it when people think something points to God and it automatically means the Christian god. This just proves that people are thinking with really closed minds about the subject. It could be ANY designer from ANY religion! Or some designer that's not described by any existing religion!

All it does is point to something that we do no understand fully and one possible way to explain it is that of a designer, a guiding hand. It is just one way to explain it. We could also just say we don't know.

This way of thinking can be applied to the beginning of the universe, creation theories, miracles, etc, etc, etc. Just be a little more objective about it...please...